Monday, May 6, 2013

How to Repair Roofs After a Storm

The snow has finally melted, but your roof is not done with wild weather quite yet. Spring and summer often bring storms with them and your roof will take a beating from them. After a storm cleanup chores typically include some roof repairs. Not all roofing repairs call for a professional roofer, there are some repairs you can make on your own. The most important thing to remember when making roof repairs is to work safely. Always work with a buddy and use extreme caution. One wrong step could send you to the hospital and by that time you'll wish you called a roofer.

Check your roof for damage after every storm. Identifying damage quickly will help make repairs less of an issue. If you find damage on your roof,make the repair as soon as you can to prevent other problems developing. First inspect your roof from the ground. Look for problems like missing and torn shingles and standing water. Next you'll want to go up to the roof and carefully cover any holes and problem areas with plastic sheeting or roofing paper for temporary protection from the elements. Use nails to keep plastic covering in place. Roofing paper should be attached with plastic cement. Check to make sure your gutters are secured to your home. Gutters are an important part of your roofing system and they do not work properly unless they are held in place. Other important roofing system features you should inspect closely are the skylights, vents, turbines and flashing.

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible when you find a problem with your roof. You'll need the company to send an adjuster out to your home so that you can have a roofing contractor make more permanent repairs right away. Make sure not to over extend yourself. If you haven't made repairs to your roof before, hire a Littleton roofing company to help you with your repairs.

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